Maxwell and Schrödinger Matter Waves
ABSTRACT: Maxwell equations teach us that alternating electric currents give rise to electromagnetic waves, and that generally the behavior of AC currents can be quite different than the behavior of direct (DC) currents. The formal treatment of alternating currents of neutral atoms surprisingly leads to a set of matter-wave duals to Maxwell’s equations. These duals, though, have properties that are importantly different from the electromagnetic versions in unintuitive ways. Moreover, unexpected behavior arises in the mechanics of AC matter waves, such as substantial tunneling through barriers that occurs even at low particle energy. I will provide a deeper look at the nature of and relationship between DC matter waves, which are the familiar solutions to Schrödinger’s equation, and their AC cousins that are described by Maxwell-like wave equations. I will also briefly discuss the utility that AC matter waves can bring to practical systems, such as atom-based sensors.
BIO: Prof. Dana Z. Anderson received in Ph.D. in quantum optics working under Prof, Marlan Scully. His thesis research centered on fundamental principles of ring laser gyroscopes. As a postdoctoral fellow at Caltech he carried out work on the prototype laser interferometer gravitational observatory (LIGO). He is currently a Fellow of the JILA Institute at the University of Colorado and a Professor of the Department of Physics and the Department of Electrical, Computer and Energy and Engineering at the University. He is an applied physicist working in the areas of quantum optics, atomic physics, and precision measurement. His research includes the development of atom based inertial sensors, quantum communications systems, quantum computing, quantum emulators, and atomtronics (the atom analog of electronics). Prof. Anderson has published over 100 refereed papers, holds several patents, and has received several awards including a Presidential Young Investigator award, a Sloan Foundation Fellowship, a Humboldt Research Award, the Optical Society of America’s R.W. Wood Prize for his pioneering work on optical neural networks, the CO-LABS Governor’s Award for foundational contributions ultracold matter technology, and the Willis Lamb Prize for Excellence in Quantum Optics and Electronics.
Prof. Anderson is also Founder and CTO of Infleqtion, formerly ColdQuanta, Inc., a company that develops and manufactures cold and ultracold matter-based quantum technology covering a broad spectrum of systems, from clocks to quantum computers, including a system currently operating on the International Space Station under NASA’s Cold Atom Laboratory (CAL) mission.